Know This…
Today’s Bible reading is Psalm 100.
Psalm 100 is calling.
Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth!
Serve the LORD with gladness!
Come into his presence with singing! (Psa 100:1-2)
But why should I respond with joy to God? How can I, self-centered as I’m prone to be, serve someone else with gladness? And as selfish and rebellious as I’ve been in the past, who am I, that I should come into the presence of the universe’s Lord?
Why? How? Who am I? Common questions that many of us struggle with. But keep reading, because when you come to know what your Creator wants you to know, the why, how, and who begins to clear up.
Know that the LORD, he is God!
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. (Psa 100:3)
KNOW this today. I AM is God. Why should I respond to him with joy? In a world of darkness, he is light. In a world of hatred, he is love. In a world of evil, he is good. He is joy’s ever-flowing, abundant, glorious source.
KNOW this today. It is he who made us. How can I, self-centered as I’m prone to be, serve him with gladness? He is willing to call me his own, patiently renewing, shaping, and transforming me for my good and his glory.
KNOW this today. As selfish and rebellious as we’ve been in the past, who are we to come into his presence with singing? We are his people, the sheep of his pasture. He wants to lead us beside still waters, in paths of righteousness, for the restoration of our souls.
If you’re struggling today with questions of why, how, and who am I … Psalm 100 invites you to KNOW this. The LORD, he is God. It is he who made you, and you are his. He is the good shepherd who is leading his people to his house that we may dwell in his perfect presence, forever.
KNOW this…
For the LORD is good;
his steadfast love endures forever,
and his faithfulness to all generations. (Psa 100:5)
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