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Jump Start #3782

Jump Start # 3782

Psalms 101:2 “I will give heed to the blameless way. When will You come to me? I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart.”

  Our verse today, one of David’s many Psalms, puts two important concepts on the table for us. The first one, most obvious, is integrity. Honesty. Truthfulness. One of the greatest deceptions of our times is what we do to ourselves. We deceive ourselves. We tell others we are ok, when we are not. This is true financially. This is true when it comes to our health. This is true with our feelings toward our spouse. This is true spiritually. We hate to admit that we need help. It seems like a sign of failure on our part.

  I recently had a foot problem. The problem was it hurt. Being married to a nurse can be wonderful and it can also mean you are not getting out of this until you go to the doctor. So, off I went. Got some medicine and within a day it was so much better. Knowing myself, I would probably had waited another week or so. I already was starting to limb a little. My way, I’d likely be on the floor crawling. Just ask for help.

  But, the other wonderful concept this passage brings to us is the location of the integrity. David says, “I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart.” My house. Not, God’s house. Not your house. My house. David hadn’t always done this. His adultery with Bathsheba began when he was on the rooftop of his house. My house, David says. Then, David had messengers bring Bathsheba to his house. The sin took place in his house. David wasn’t very good in his house.

  The importance of my house. Let’s give that some thought:

  First, we are very careful about what we say when we are in public and around others. We are careful not to gossip. We don’t talk about others in a negative way. We are respectful. We listen. We take our turn in conversations. But, what happens when we get home? Some of the meanest things said are said to the people we love the most. We can snap, be critical, judgmental, demanding, shouting all while we are in our house. We’d never do that in a store. We’d never do that in the church building. But, at home, our house, where people see us the most and know us the best, we drop all the niceness and can become a real grouch.

  I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart.

  Second, our greatest field of evangelism is within my house. Noah a preacher of righteousness, only saved his family. But, it was his family that was saved. Day in and day out, good days and bad days, special days, and plain ordinary days, our family sees us, hears us, and knows us. We want our children to be honest with us, so we must be honest with them. We want them to tell the truth, so we must tell the truth. And, through the years, your family ought to see that you are serious about Jesus. They see you in worship and they see you at home. They know what shows you watch. They hear the words that come out of your mouth. There ought to be a consistency. You in the church building ought to be the same as you at home. It’s here at home where love, acceptance, grace and forgiveness are first learned. And, through you, your children will see Jesus.

  I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart.

  Third, it is that inconsistent manner of life that will cause some to question your faith and even challenge you as a hypocrite. You are one thing in the public, but a different person at home. And, that kills faith faster than any false doctrine can. Integrity in paying your taxes. Integrity when talking on the phone. Integrity when posting on social media. Integrity when dealing with money and selling things. How does the car run, someone asks who is interested in buying yours? Integrity. Is there anything wrong with the house, you are asked from someone who wants to buy it. Integrity. It may kill a sell. You may not make as much money in a deal, but you walk with a whole heart, knowing that you were honest.

  One must wonder, if a person cannot be honest at home, can they be honest anywhere? The lack of integrity at home is something that may keep a man from serving as a deacon or shepherd in God’s church. His family knows.

  I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart.

  And, if I can’t walk with integrity among my family, how will I ever be honest with my God? God who knows all. God who sees all. God who knows my motives. God who knows my whole story. I can convince myself that I am ok, when I am really not.

  I’m glad I listened to my wife. The Lord knows I really need her. I’d be a mess without her. And, my foot feels great.
