Jump Start # 2904

Jump Start # 2904
John 20:29 “Jesus said to him, ‘Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed?’”
Special Notice: Our latest Jump Start book, # 27 is now ready. It’s a collection of Jump Starts that I wrote recently about our trip to Israel. This book is titled, “The Land Where Jesus Walked.” I’ve added a few pictures here and there that I took. As always, our Jump Start books are free. These are in print form. If you would like a copy email me your mailing address (Rogshouse@aol.com).
Here is a thought for you: Do you think it is easier being a believer today or back when Jesus walked on the earth? I suppose we could build strong cases for either answer. Back then, you saw with your own eyes. You saw the miracles. You head the words. You could have seen Jesus. Today, we have the entirety of the N.T. which they did not have then. Today, we stand upon the shoulders of generations of spiritual giants. They help us. Today, through technology, we can read the Bible in multiple translations and listen to sermons every day of the week.
Easier then or easier now? Here are some thoughts:
First, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter because we cannot change the time that we live in. We can’t fly backwards to the past. We are here in this generation and like it or not, this is where we are. Acts 13 reminds us that David served God in his generation. We must do the same.
Second, every generation had struggles, troubles and trials. There seems to always be wars. There is injustice, crime and heartache. There are those who rebel against the Lord. Maybe we can make our coffee faster and send messages across the globe in seconds, but it doesn’t mean our times are better.
Third, what God expects of us remains true no matter when or where we live. For the Jews in Babylon, God expected them to be faithful. Bowing down to the king’s idol wasn’t a small matter. The Jewish three who refused, could not hide behind the fact that they were not in their native land. It is no different for the college student in a dorm today. It is no different for the guy sitting in an office building. What God expects of us is to be faithful and true to Him.
Fourth, the more tools and opportunities that we are given, the more that we ought to be doing. There was a time when owning a Bible was against the law in parts of Europe. Most today have the Bible on their phones. God’s word goes with us everywhere. Do we believe it any more deeply? Are we more committed? Are we using what we have for the growth of the kingdom?
Easier then or now, it doesn’t matter. What matters is what we are doing, the choices we are making and the hope that we hold on to. I don’t know what it would be like to stand beside a first century Christian and to hear his story. I wonder what he would think of our story?
What a blessing it is to be a child of God. What an honor it is to serve the Lord. We shall see His face someday.